CTR市场研究,作为中国唯一的消费者固定样本组连续研究(以下简称Consumer Panel)机构,每年都会对中国快速消费品(以下简称FMCG)市场进行跨品类分析,盘点和总结年度发展态势。经CTR市场研究Consumer Panel机构对全国85个城市(县级市以上城市居民)的快速消费品60多个品类进行连续监测表明:2006年,有些品类得到充足发展,而有些品类却逐步衰退,整个市场喜忧参半,并非风平浪静。具体分析如下:
CTR Market Research, the only Consumer Panel in China continuous research (Consumer Panel), conducts a cross-category analysis of China’s FMCG market every year to take stock and summarize the annual development trend. The CTR Market Research Consumer Panel conducted continuous monitoring on more than 60 categories of fast moving consumer goods in 85 cities across the country (urban residents at or above the county level). In 2006, some categories were well developed while some categories were gradually declining. The entire market Mixed, not calm. Specific analysis is as follows: