中考临近,该加一加压了。早读课上,“三更灯火五更鸡, 正是男儿读书时。黑发不知勤学早, 白首方悔读书迟。”还是一些老掉牙的东西,整日读这些陈年古货,没有一点新意,什么时候中考改为古诗文背诵考级,我们肯定十二级不用愁了。读书声随着老师的来回走动而高低起伏。午自修,“试卷满天飞,作业堆成堆,老师后面催,时间勿乱挥”,不知哪位作业受害者又在叽咕了。“别怨了,我们就这命。”“小考是点心,
As the entrance exam approaches, the pressure is increased. In the morning reading class, “Three more lights are five chickens, it’s when a man is reading. Dark hair doesn’t know how to study early, Whitehead regrets studying late.” Or something old-fashioned, reading all these vintage goods all day long, with no point New ideas, when the examination changed to recite the ancient poetry examination, we certainly do not need to worry about the twelve. The sound of the books fluctuates with the teacher’s back and forth. Afternoon self-study, “the papers fly all over the place, piles of work piled up, the teacher behind the reminder, do not mess up the time”, I do not know which job victims are paralyzed again. “Don’t complain, we’ll just kill it.” "The exam is a snack,