流行性腮腺炎每当春冬两季易形成地方性的小流行,典型病例极易诊断,但在不典型的病例或与其他颈部及颌下淋巴腺肿大的鉴别诊断常会遇到一定的困难。1942年Cohen氏与Ender氏(1)首先报告用补体结合试验以作腮腺炎的血清学论断。1947年Henle氏与Modongall氏(2)将腮腺炎患者之脑脊液作鸡胚胎培养获得病毒。1945年 Ender(3)发现腮腺炎患者有抗赤血球凝集素,从发病数周到数月内均呈阳性。1943年Murphg氏(1),1944年Appleba-um氏(3),1951年Martin氏(5),1952年松岛氏(6)及井上氏等先后共报告77例腮腺炎患者,其尿淀粉酶均显著增高。国内文献1953年文士域氏(7)等,曾概略的报告尿淀粉酶增高对腮腺炎的诊断价值。我们用Wohlgemuth
Mumps can be easily diagnosed in endemic small areas in either spring or winter when the typical cases are very easy to diagnose. However, in atypical cases or with other differential diagnosis of enlarged neck and submandibular lymph nodes often encounter certain difficult. 1942 Cohen’s and Ender’s (1) first reported the use of complement fixation tests for mumps serology. 1947 Henle’s and Modongall’s (2) The mumps cerebrospinal fluid of chicken embryo culture to obtain the virus. In 1945 Ender (3) found that patients with mumps had anti-haemagglutinin, which was positive from weeks to months. Murphg’s (1943), Appleba-um’s (3) in 1944, Martin’s (1919), Matsushima’s (1962) and Inoue’s were reported a total of 77 patients with mumps, Enzymes were significantly increased. The domestic literature in 1953 scholar domain (7), etc., had a rough report of increased urinary amylase diagnostic value of mumps. We use Wohlgemuth