The parabolic Radon transform has been widely used in multiple attenuation. To further improve the accuracy and efficiency of the Radon transform, we developed theλ-f domain high-resolution Radon transform based on the fast and modified parabolic Radon transform presented by Abbad. The introduction of a new variable λ makes the transform operator frequency-independent. Thus, we need to calculate the transform operator and its inverse operator only once, which greatly improves the computational efficiency. Besides, because the primaries and multiples are distributed on straight lines with different slopes in theλ-f domain, we can easily choose the filtering operator to suppress the multiples. At the same time, the proposed method offers the advantage of high-resolution Radon transform, which can greatly improve the precision of attenuating the multiples. Numerical experiments suggest that the multiples are well suppressed and the amplitude versus offset characteristics of the primaries are well maintained. Real data processing results further verify the effectiveness and feasibility of the method.