1.全文字数(包括图表)一般不超过5 000字,个案报告及小型调查论文3 000字,论著摘要不超过400字。请使用规范汉字,外文工整并注明字符的大小写、正斜体。定稿请提供电子版、纸质版。2.文题与署名力求简明扼要,能反映出文章的主题。中文题目不宜超过20个字,一律附英文文题。论著应附中英文
1. The total number of words (including graphics) is generally not to exceed 5 000 words, 3 000 words for case reports and small survey papers, and abstracts should not exceed 400 words. Please use the standard Chinese characters, foreign neat and indicate the case of characters, italics. Please provide the electronic version of the final version of the paper. 2. Thesaurus and signature strive to be concise and to the point that it reflects the topic of the article. Chinese title should not be more than 20 words, all with English language topics. The book should be attached to English