Currently, the carrier communication in the province also relies mainly on the clear-line carrier circuit. Improving the multiplexing rate of the open-circuit lines is an effective solution to the problem of tension in the communication circuits in the province. We have successively developed the Mingdu high 12nd, Mingxian 24th and Mingxing 12th channel carrier devices. The working frequency is from 156kHz to 530kHz, which greatly widens the use frequency of the bright line and fully tap the potential of the bright line. However, as one of the key components of the line amplifier, these devices are different from each other, not interchangeable, for which we have developed a line 156-530kHz line amplifier, which operates from 156kHz to 530kHz band, including the above The working frequency band of the apparatus can be directly used as the line amplifier of any one of them, which brings great convenience to production and maintenance.