电脑卡死、手机充不进电、下载速度太慢……你一定碰到过这些令你抓狂的问题。在大洋彼岸的美国,情况又是怎么样的呢?Weak Wi-Fi connections,a slow computer and a printer that doesn’t work properly areenough to make anyone’s blood boil with“tech rage”.The idea of“tech rage”may sound like an imaginary emotion,but many people have experi-enced this phenomenon firsthand.A study reveals that 65 percent of US adults say they have fury as a re-
The computer is stuck, the phone is not charging, the download speed is too slow ... You must have encountered these crazy problems. Weak Wi-Fi connections, a slow computer and a printer that does not work properly areoen to make anyone’s blood boil with “tech rage”. The idea of “tech rage ” may sound like an imaginary emotion, but many people have experi-enced this phenomenon firsthand. A study reveals that 65 percent of US who say they have fury as a re-