花卉常有同种异名及异种同名的现象。有一种花卉在粤、台、港、澳称为玫瑰,而中国内地则称为月季。据清朝初期陈淏子辑的《花镜》对于玫瑰的描述是:“其木多刺,花类蔷薇而色紫,香腻馥郁,愈干愈烈……因其香美,或作扇坠香囊,或以糖霜同乌梅捣烂,名为玫瑰酱,收于磁瓶内曝过,经年色不变。”如果对它的形态特征作更多介绍,是株高1~2公尺的灌木,枝条多为深褐色,上有稠密的刚刺并杂有刺状刚毛,奇数羽状复叶,小叶5~9片,矩圆形至卵园形,长2~5公分,深绿色,深深的蚀刻状叶脉使叶片显得很皱折,叶背微有柔和白粉,花单生或数朵簇生,每年在6~7月开一次。耐寒力强,喜欢昼夜温差较大和较干燥的气候条件或碱性土壤,在中国西北作为香料植物大面积栽培,在华南地区罕见。它的学名是Rosa rugosa。至于月季,据《花镜》的描述:“藤本丛生,枝干多刺而不甚长。四季开花,有深、浅、白之异,与蔷薇相类,而香尤过之。”其实,它除了有藤本丛生品种之外,还有许多木品种和紫花月季、小花月季、绿花月季等变种。原产于中国,学名是
Flowers often have the same name and different species of the same name phenomenon. There is a kind of flower called rose in Guangdong, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, and the Chinese mainland is called rose. According to the early Qing dynasty, Chen Chih-yuan’s “reading glasses” for the description of the rose is: “its prickly wood, flower rose and color purple, fragrant and fragrant, more dry ... ... because of its beauty, or fan sachet, or To fritters with plum mash, named rose sauce, confiscated in the magnetic bottle exposed, unchanged by age. ”If its morphological characteristics for more introduction, is the height of 1 to 2 meters of shrubs, Branches mostly dark brown, on the dense sting and miscellaneous stingless bristles, odd pinnate, leaflets 5 to 9, oblong to oval-shaped, length 2 to 5 cm, dark green, deep The etched veins make leaves appear very wrinkled leaves slightly soft white powder, flowers solitary or several clusters of tufts, open in June to July each year. Cold hardy, like big day and night temperature difference and dry climatic conditions or alkaline soil, in northwestern China as a spice plant large area cultivation, rare in southern China. Its scientific name is Rosa rugosa. As for the rose, according to the description of “reading glasses”: “The rattan is clustered and the prickly branches are not very long.” Four seasons flowering, with deep, shallow and white, are similar to the rose but fragrant. , In addition to its cluster of vine varieties, there are many varieties of wood and purple rose, floret rose, green rose and other variants. Originated in China, the scientific name is