Treating Heavy Oil Wastewater for Beneficial Use by Integrated Technology of

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  [a] Dongxing Oil Production Factory, Shengli Oilfield Company, Dongying, China.
  * Corresponding author.
  Received 23 February 2013; accepted 28 March 2013
  Heavy oil exploitation wastewater is characterized by its high concentration of emulsified oil, high salinity, high temperature and complex chemical components. This paper discuss a successful pilot-scale demonstration application of a unique technology integrating heat exchanger, gas floatation, biological contact oxygen, filtration, ultra-filtration, reverse osmosis at Chenzhuang oilfield. The scale of the process was about 360 m3/d, and the performance of the treatment process, the effectiveness of the technology for removal of oil and for controlling RO membranes fouling, and the economic effect are also discussed. Operation results show that the biological contact oxidation--ultra filtration process can reduce the oil contents to less than 0.5 mg/L and TDS to less than 3. The conductivity of RO effluent is below 456 μS·cm-1, the treated water can meet the required standard for steam-injected boiler, and it can also be used to prepare polymer solution for viscosity keeping.
  Key words: Heavy oil wastewater; Biological contact oxygen; RO; Steam boiler; Polymer solution
  The 373 block of Chenzhuang oilfield is heavy oil reservoir of Guantao formation, which is exploited by method of steam stimulation. Large amount of unwanted oil wastewater is produced during oil extraction, which has to be discharged or ineffectively re-injected (Pak & Mohammadi, 2008; Ma et al., 2012). Furthermore, plenty of fresh water is used to feed steam boiler. It is imperative to find out proper wastewater treating and recycling methods to make sure the regular production of oilfield with the advantages of high economic profits and low environmental pollution (Kharaka et al., 1998).
  Reverse osmosis technology has been successfully applied in the desalination of sea water, industrial wastewater reuse and other fields because of its advantages of technical, operational maturity, energy consumption, investment and other aspects (Xu & Drewes, 2006; Gulde, 2003; Wu et al., 2012). However, various contaminants, including oil and grease (hydrocarbons), other organics, salts, silt, heavy metals and other suspended solids in produced water, which damage membranes seriously, limits its application. So, a unique treatment technology is designed in this paper to convert heavy oil wastewater into boiler feed water. The operation results on sites demonstrate the pretreatment of the biological contact oxidation--ultra filtration process can effectively remove the emulsified oil, SS, bacteria and other pollutants in the wastewater and prevent RO membranes fouling. The quality of RO effluent meets the standard of steam-injected boiler in oil fields. The treated water can also be used as alternative for fresh water to prepare polymer solution, and the viscosity of the polymer solution prepared with the treated water is higher than those prepared with running water.   1. EXPERIMENTAL
  1.2 Treatment Challenges
  Membranes have been widely used to treat wastewater, but its performance depends on a number of factors, including water quality, feed temperature, pretreatment process, and the presence of contaminants which can foul the membranes (Qiao et al., 2008; Dou et al., 2011). Table 1 shows that the heavy oil wastewater contains a number of contaminants, including emulsified oil, suspended solids, hardness, and other dissolved solids, which can foul or scale the RO membranes seriously during the operation (Ang et al., 2006). So, effective pretreatment must be used to remove harmful contaminants and suspended solids from the water that can damage the membrane to ensure the long-term stable operation.
  1.3 Treatment Process
  The pilot-scale project incorporating heat exchanger, gas floatation, biological contact oxygen, filtration, ultra-filtration, reverse osmosis (as shown in Figure 1). Heat exchanger can not only cool the high temperature heavy oil waste water ensuring the smoothly operation of the following units, but also increase the temperature of effluent of RO and save the fuel consumption of the boiler. Gas floatation is utilized to remove suspended oil droplets and suspended solids. Biological contact oxygen process use a bacteria community with capacity of heavy oil degradation to remove emulsified oil and other dissolved hydrocarbons. Ultra-filtration is used to remove small suspended solids and colloids, and decrease SDI. Then reverse osmosis desalination membranes are used for the removal of salts from the produced water.
  2.1 Biological Contact Oxidation
  Biological contact oxidation takes advantage of a bacteria community with capacity of heavy oil degradation, which was constructed by the techniques of limited cultivation, to remove oil in the produced water and degrade some of the organic contaminants. The bio-oxidation pond is a skid-mounted system consisting of 2 ponds installed in parallel, each sized 14.5m×2.4 m×3.1 m (in 4 stages). To allow for uniform water distribution and aeration, water distributors were installed at the bottom for each cell of the pond.
  Data in Figures 2 and 3 show that the bio-contact oxidation can decrease the concentration of oil and COD to less than 1.5 mg/L and 120 mg/L respectively. This is due to the mechanism of aeration flotation, biological oxygen, interception and adsorption, food chain grade predator prey. Oil and other organic components are adsorbed to the bio-film surface, and then degraded by microbial oxidation. So, there is a concentration difference which allows the contaminants in wastewater be constantly adsorbed to the bio-film. Furthermore, the bacterial community structure is relatively stable after stable operation of the system. Protozoans swallow bacteria and bacteria use contaminants in wastewater as food for growth and reproduction. As a result, the oil and other organic contaminants that may cause membranes fouling are decreased gradually.   Figure 2
  The Removal Effects of oil by the Biological Contact Oxidation Process During Stable Operation
  Figure 3
  The Removal Effects of COD by the Biological Contact Oxidation Process During Stable Operation
  Figure 4
  SDI and SS of Ultra Filtration Effluent
  2.2 Ultra filtration
  Ultra filtration is used as a ultimate pretreatment of reverse osmosis to remove bacteria, colloid, protein and other macromolecular materials. Inside and out hollow fiber ultra filtration modules are used with the molecular weight cut-off value of 100000 in the project. The operation parameters are as follows: run by cross-flow filtration; equipped with automatic backwashing system and chemical cleaning system; the maximum inlet pressure 0.5 MPa; backwashing pressure ≤ 0.20 MPa; backwash flow 220-300 L·h; backwashing frequency 20-60 min.
  Sludge density index (SDI) and concentration of suspended solids of ultra filtration effluent are shown in Figure 4. The SDI and SS are below 3.0 and 0.3 mg/L respectively, and it would meet the quality requirement of the influent of following reverse osmosis unit.
  2.3 Reverse Osmosis
  16 reverse osmosis membrane elements (BW30-365) of American DOW are selected and arranged in two-segment. Conductivity of influent and effluent were 17500~19840 μS·cm-1 and 362~456 μS·cm-1, respectively. The detailed result of water quality analysis of influent and effluent was showed in Table 2. The water quality meets the standard of steam-injected boiler in oil fields.
  The treated water can also be used as alternative for fresh water to prepare polymer mother liquor. The viscosity of the polymer mother liquor prepared with the treated heavy oil waste water remained at 3000~3350 mPa·s, which is higher than that prepared with the running water of 2400~2500mPa·s. Dilute the polymer mother liquor to the concentration of 1500 mg/L with wastewater and examine the long-term stability of polymer solutions under 70 ℃. Results (Figure 5) show that the viscosity of polymer solution prepared with the treated heavy oil waste water can keep stable for a long time, which is beneficial to enhance oil recovery.
  Figure 5
  Long-Term Stability of the Polymer Solution
  The hybrid biological contact oxidation-ultra filtration- reverse osmosis system is robust in treating heavy oil waste water. Biological technology with special advantages in removing dissolved oil, emulsified oil and other organic pollutants can controls RO fouling. The quality of RO effluent meets the standards of steam-injected boiler in oil fields. The treated water can also be used to prepare polymer solution. The technology has remarkable economic and social benefits, and contributes largely to the sustainable development of Oilfield.   REFERENCES
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晚起了十分钟,于是本来从容的早上变得有些兵荒马乱。胡乔一边后悔自己为什么第一遍闹钟响的时候不克服体内那只可怕的瞌睡虫起床,一边手忙脚乱地穿衣服。把外套一披上,胡乔急匆匆地赶到洗手间,却发现自己那支一个月前还鼓着胖胖的肚子的牙膏已经挤不出任何东西了。  真是忙中添乱!胡乔一边在心里感叹,一边拔腿就往爸妈卧室中的主卫生间跑。  “乔乔,你干吗呢?”看着突然闯进来的胡乔,正准备挤牙膏的爸爸问道。  “爸
一  见到郭子其之前,我对他的“丰功伟绩”烂熟于心。他是我爸妈天天挂在嘴边的人,也是他们给我找的学习榜样。他蝉联了三次市里的第一名,他又获得了什么奖,哪次考试又得双百分……  或许因为他是爸爸同事的儿子,也或许我们同龄,爸爸总喜欢把我俩放在一起做比较。我感觉自己一路在追赶,却始终赶不上他。  读小学时,我成績很好,曾经也是别人家的孩子,但上初中后,学业越来越难,我也泯然众人矣。孩子都是别人家的好,
新加坡式中文特别魔性,自带卖萌撒娇一体化功能,用字能省则省,洋溢着难以克制的国际范儿,简直是语言界的一朵奇葩。  “怕什么?敢敢做啊!”  “敢敢”就是勇敢、放胆去做某件事的意思。小编第一次听到这个词的时候听成了“胆敢”,那时觉得新加坡人说话还真是文绉绉啊,但是前言不搭后语。询问之后,才知道原来是“敢敢”。其实这个词很好用的,鼓励人的时候还可以顺便卖个萌。  “这个罐头很难开,要大大力才可以。” 
听说,有人要砸我陶渊明的场子。  前些日子,有个教授竟然在网络上说我幽默(搞笑),毁我清誉。  他的理由是我的一条朋友圈:  种豆南山下,草盛豆苗稀。  晨兴理荒秽,带月荷锄归。  教授分析,说我一开始写“种豆南山下”,让大家以为我陶渊明好像很会种田的样子,种个豆豆都要发朋友圈!谁知道下面突然来一句:草盛豆苗稀。说我日夜努力,草却比豆苗茂盛,种个鬼田哦。  他一下子就勾勒出我一副强行卖弄失败的模样
金燕最近很苦恼,她平时最害怕蟑螂、蜘蛛之类的生物,可偏偏被安排入住学校的老宿舍。寝室里常有那么几只蟑螂肆无忌惮地跑来跑去,甚至有的虫子还会飞。偏偏金燕的身手不及它们敏捷,才伸出脚去,蟑螂早已溜得无影无踪。据说蟑螂繁殖能力极强,早前甚至有这样一句传言:“当你在家中看见一只蟑螂的时候,家里至少有两万只蟑螂了。”每思及此,金燕总会不寒而栗。  今天,宿管阿姨来查房时,看到了金燕面对蟑螂时的夸张表情,终是
[a] Institute of Drilling Technology, Shengli Petroleum Administration Bureau, Dongying, Shandong, China.  * Corresponding author.  Received 20 February 2013; accepted 18 March 2013  Abstract  In stea
[a] Southwest Petroleum University, Sichuan, China; b) Geological Exploration and Development Research Institute in Sichuan-Changqing Drilling and Exploration Engineering Corporation, CNPC, Sichuan, C
[a] Basin and reservoir research center, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China.  [b] Oil and gas Survey, China Geological Survey, Beijing, China.  [c] Petroleum exploration and production rese
[a]Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Earth Science and Resource Engineering, 26 Dick Perry Ave, Kensington, Perth, Western Australia 6151.  [b]Council of Scientific
Abstract  In this paper, a linear elastic constitutive model is described. The model consists of a three dimensional analyses of stress concentration around an arbitrarily oriented borehole, due to an