关注人的自身发展,关注人的全面写作素养的养成,关注写作的内在规律,是朱光潜作文观的 核心。写作之外看写作,作文教学是一个内外结合、循序渐进的过程。本文试图从作文的过程论、境界论、作者 的素养趣味论三个方面探讨朱光潜的作文观,深入挖掘可供今天中学作文教学借鉴的传统教育财富。
Concerned about the development of human beings, concerned about the development of man’s comprehensive literary accomplishment, and concerned about the inherent law of writing, is the core of Zhu Guangqian’s essay concept. Writing outside the writing, writing teaching is a combination of internal and external, step by step process. This article attempts to explore Zhu Guangqian’s essay viewpoints from three aspects: the process theory of the composition, the theory of the realm, and the author’s taste of taste, and digs the traditional educational wealth that can be borrowed from today’s composition teaching in middle school.