关注细节 生成精彩——《卖报歌》插图与《码头工人歌》片断欣赏

来源 :小学教学设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guanghui_715
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一幅黑白插图孩子们在幼儿园时就会唱《卖报歌》了,所以我只复习了二遍。为了让学生体会歌曲的情感、品味歌词的内涵,我利用课本上的插图展开了如下的教学。师:歌中所描绘的这个小报童,现在就跑到了我们的书中,让我们走近她。学生开始欣赏课本上的插图。师:仔细看图上小报童的 A black and white illustration children in the kindergarten will sing “sing songs”, so I only reviewed two times. In order to let students understand the emotional songs, taste the content of lyrics, I use the illustrations on the textbook to start the following teaching. Teacher: The tabloid, depicted in the song, is now in our book, letting us approach her. Students begin to appreciate illustrations on textbooks. Teacher: Look carefully at the tabloid