欣赏是一种美德。 会欣赏,不幸也是快乐;不会欣赏,幸福也是痛苦。会欣赏的人能在不幸中看到希望;不会欣赏的人在幸福中也只感到失望。 忙忙碌碌的世界,匆匆忙忙的生活使我们忽略了许多美好的、值得欣赏的东西,只有安顿好那颗驿动的心,找到寄托心灵的归宿后,才能有心情去欣赏这世界可爱的一面,才能有机会体味属于你自己的人生。 欣赏不同于阿谀奉承,它是出于真诚,是对别人人生意义的肯定,它是一种高尚的
Appreciation is a virtue. Will appreciate, unfortunately, is happy; do not appreciate, happiness is painful. People who appreciate can see hope in misfortune; those who do not appreciate are only disappointed in happiness. Busy world, hurried life so that we overlook many beautiful things that deserve appreciation, and only settling the moving heart, to find the fate of the rest of the mind, to have the mood to appreciate the world’s cute One side, in order to have a chance to appreciate your own life. Appreciation is different from flattery, it is out of good faith, is the affirmation of the meaning of others life, it is a noble