Rhabdomyosarcoma of the prostate is rare and reports one of the cases we have encountered. History: Patient is a man, male, 31 years old, a deputy driver. Due to dysuria and urinary retention for one month hospitalization, no dysuria, urinary urgency, and hematuria. No previous records of past medical history, personal life history, and family history. Physical examination: body temperature 36°C, pulse 80 beats/minute, blood pressure 120 / 80 mmHg, no lymph node enlargement, heart, lung hearing percussion normal, liver and spleen is not touched, abdomen without color blocks. Surgical conditions: No tenderness and percussion pain in the kidney area, tenderness in the right side of the bladder area, and no abnormalities in the external genitalia. Anal examination: Prostate glands approximately 5 × 4 cm, middle leaves