【摘 要】
Test Generation for large circuits may be extremely difficult.One of the approaches to alleviatingthis problem is to consider the difficulties during the desig
【机 构】
Chinese Academy of Railway Sciences,
【出 处】
Journal of Computer Science and Technology
Test Generation for large circuits may be extremely difficult.One of the approaches to alleviatingthis problem is to consider the difficulties during the design cycle.This paper proposes a design of EasyTest Generation Programmable Logic Arrays(ETG PLAs),for which test generation is basically notrequired,since a complete test set can be generated while the test is applied.This paper also presents aprocedure which makes a PLA an ETG PLA by following some design rules and providing reasonableextra hardware.
Test Generation for large circuits may be extremely difficult. One way to alleviating problem is to consider the difficulties during the design cycle. This paper proposes a design of EasyTest Generation Programmable Logic Arrays (ETG PLAs), for which test generation is basically notrequired , since a complete test set can be generated while the test is applied.This paper also presents aprocedure which makes a PLA an ETG PLA by following some design rules and providing reasonableextra hardware.
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