五四运动的总司令到底是谁?长期以来 ,在党史界有一个传统的说法 ,认为陈独秀是五四运动的总司令。要称得上五四运动的总司令 ,必须在三个方面同时起着主导作用 :(一)必须给五四运动以正确的思想指导 ;(二)积极参加斗争 ,领导运动 ;(三)捍卫和发展五四运动的成果。从这三
Who is the commander-in-chief of the May Fourth Movement? For a long time there was a traditional saying in the history of the party that Chen Duxiu was Commander in Chief of the May Fourth Movement. The Commander in Chief of the May Fourth Movement must play a leading role in three aspects at the same time: (1) it must give correct guidance to the May Fourth Movement; (2) actively participate in the struggle and lead the movement; and (3) defend And the achievements of the May 4th Movement. From these three