1981年秋82年春我省气候条件复杂多变,但小麦却获得了特大的丰收。全省2796.2万亩小麦总产超过81亿斤,比丰收的1981年增产4.5%,创我省历史最高水平。气象因素与丰收有何关系?让我们结合这年小麦的生长发育情况进行探讨。一、冬前气候因素不利于小麦生长发育 1981年8—9两个月,全省大部地区降水300—400毫米,较历年同期多1倍左右。补足深层水,蓄足底墒,为小麦丰收奠定了良好的基础。但播期雨多,整地困难,泥条多,土块大,播种质量差。播后降水偏少,日照不足,气温低,入冬早。杨陵区10月份平均气温为11.0℃,11月5.5℃,比历年同
The spring of 1981 autumn 82, the climate conditions in our province is complicated and changeable, but the wheat has obtained the extremely big harvest. The province’s total output of 27.962 million mu of wheat exceeded 8.1 billion kg, an increase of 4.5% over 1981, the highest level in our province. What is the relationship between meteorological factors and harvest? Let us consider the growth and development of wheat in this year. First, the winter climate factors are not conducive to the growth and development of wheat in 1981 8-9 two months, precipitation in most parts of the province 300-400 mm, more than 1 times the same period over the previous year. Make up deep water, foot moisture, for the wheat harvest has laid a good foundation. However, sowing more rain, soil preparation difficulties, mud and more, large clods, sowing poor quality. Sowing less rainfall, lack of sunshine, low temperature, early winter. Yangling District in October the average temperature of 11.0 ℃, November 5.5 ℃, than the same period