An introduction to Bragg diffraction-based cold atom interferometry gravimeter

来源 :Instrumentation | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shengyu0128
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This paper presents a new type of cold atom interferometry gravimeter based on Bragg diffraction,w hich is able to increase the gravity m easurem ent sensitivity and stability of com m on Ram an atom gravim eters significantly. By com paring w ith Ram an transition,the principles and advantages of Bragg diffraction-based atom gravim eters have been introduced. The theoretical m odel for a tim e-dom ain Bragg atom gravim eter has been constructed. Som e key technical requirem ents for an n-order Bragg diffraction-based atom gravim eter have been deduced,including the tem perature of atom cloud,the diam eter,curvature radius,frequency,intensity,and tim ing sequence of Bragg lasers,etc. The analysis results are verified by the existing experim ental data in discussion. The present study provides a good reference for the understanding and construction of a Bragg atom gravim eter. This paper presents a new type of cold atom interferometry gravimeter based on Bragg diffraction, w hich is able to increase the gravity m easurem ent sensitivity and stability of com m on Ram an atom gravim eters. By com paring w ith Ram an transition, the principles and advantages of Bragg diffraction-based atom gravim eters have been introduced. The theoretical m odel for a tim e-dom ain Bragg atom gravim eter has been constructed. Som e key technical requirents for an n-order Bragg diffraction-based Atomic temperatures have been deduced, including the tem perature of atom cloud, the diam eter, curvature radius, frequency, intensity, and tim ing sequence of Bragg lasers, etc. The analysis results are verified by the present experim ental data in discussion. The present study provides a good reference for the understanding and construction of a Bragg atom gravim eter.
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