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《迟桂花》中的翁莲作为郁达夫小说创作中的形象典范,历来为研究者所称道。翁莲天真活泼的性格特征与郁达夫小说中大多充满苦闷、沉郁的人物形象迥异,为其小说创作注入了新鲜血液。但通过对《迟桂花》的文本分析,不难发现郁达夫笔下翁莲的性格特征具有突出的矛盾性,本文将从翁莲童稚化的思想行为、隐逸化的心态以及伦理道德的措置三个角度来论证郁达夫书写的翁莲形象的矛盾性,以求对翁莲形象做更为深刻的剖析。 Weng Lian in “Late Osmanthus” as the model of image in Yu Dafu’s novels has always been praised by researchers. The innate and lively character of Weng Lin is very different from those of Yu Dafu’s novels, which are full of depressed and sad characters, which infuses fresh blood into his novels. However, through analyzing the text of “Chi Gui Hua”, it is not difficult to find that there are prominent contradictions in the character traits of Weng Lin in Yu Dafu’s writing. This essay will discuss three aspects: the thought and behavior of Weng Lian child, the mentality of reclusion and ethics From the perspective of Yu Dafu to prove the contradiction of Weng Lin image written in order to make a more profound analysis of Weng Lian image.
Studying strong motion records and the spatial distribution of ground shaking is of great importance in understanding the underlying causes of damage in earthquakes. Many regions in the world are eith