Special attention to Kelaibo sports culture and Media Center blog has been running for more than a year, during which many users get the attention, here, we sincerely thank every netizen for their support and encouragement! But with the page views and open The increase in the amount of the original blog function has been unable to meet everyone’s needs, in return for the majority of users, enrich the blog content, enhance blog features, we decided to update the blog software. After many efforts, the Kelaibo blog site to meet you with a new look, its function is more powerful, richer layout, blog website: http://blog.klbty.com. Some authors and editors of this magazine will also launch their blogs on new blogs one after another, hoping that most webmasters will continue to support us as well as welcome more readers to open new blogs. Blog users who have already registered on the Cleibo website should transfer the content of your original blog to the new blog as soon as possible, and the deadline is November 1, 2007, so please be sorry for the inconvenience!