34. Effect and the Possible Mediated Pathway of Cortisol Secretion in Adrenocortical Cells Induced b

来源 :癌变·畸变·突变 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZS54902
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Objective: To understand the direct effect on the secretion of adreno-cortical cells induced by lead and cadmium and the possible mediated pathway. Methods: The adrenocortical cells of male guinea pigs were dispersed and primarily cultured, then the cells were incubated wich cadmiun chloride and lead acetate in dosage as 0,6.25, 12.5, 25, 50, 100 μmol/L respectively for different periods (30, 60, 120 and 240 minutes). The cortisol levels in culture medium and cellular cAMP concentration were measured with RIA. Results: Under the existence of ACTH, the levels of cortisol secreted from the cultured cells were showed significantly declined in dose-dependent manner when the cells were treated in 6.25-100μmol/L CdCl2 for 30 to 240 minutes. There would be an interaction for cortisol secretion between the dose of CdCl2 and the incubatal period. Nevertheless, it seemed to have no obvious linear relation in the alterations of cortisol secretion after 12.5~100μmol/L PbAc incubated for 30~240 minutes. It appeared to have a tendency of dual-phase response in a manner of inhibiting the cortisol secretion in low dose (lower than 25μmol/L) and stimulating the secretion function in high dose (50 and 100μmol/L). The cAMP level was presented a remarkably decrease after 6.25~100 μmol/L CdCl2 incubated with the cells. It was proved that the cAMP level had does-effect relations with the CdCl2 dose. PbAc appeared not only dual response with the tendency of cAMP inhibition in low dose and activating to raise in high dose but also dose-effect relationship. Conclusion: CdCl2 could directly inhibit the secretion of cortisol. PbAc is also of the toxic effect on the cortisol secretion with the characteristic of dual-response as inhibition in early phase and low dose while induction to raising in high dose. cAMP, as an important second messenger, play a role in synthesis and secretion of adrenocorticoids. The toxic effects on steroids secretion induced by cadmium and lead were possibly mediated by cAMP-PKA pathway.
摘要 为推进信息化条件下的院校教育,近年许多高校来大力开展了信息化建设,取得了许多阶段性成果。然而后发优势虽然缩短了建设周期,使我们少走了许多弯路却也带来了发展后劲不足,对创新成果的选择不够系统等诸多问题。本文从管理、数据、软硬件三个方面梳理了高校在信息化过程中亟待解决的问题,浅析其产生原因并在对策上进行了初步的思考。  关键词 信息化建设 信息质量  中图分类号:G434 文献标识码:A  随着
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