黄山武医高人传绝技 创业之路致富有奔头

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尊敬的汪老师:您好!离开休宁两月余,别来无恙?您的音容笑貌,时常浮现在我的脑海里,拂之不去。现在的我心情格外地好,千言万语凝成一句话:感谢恩师!现在的我学成创业,初见成效。高兴之余,提笔抒怀,我要把我回贵港创业的经历、艰辛、喜悦及收获与恩师一同分享!回顾本人四处求学,多次受骗的故事,感慨万千!深感现在的医技得来不易!自上个世纪九十年代末起,我就分别到过湖南的郴 Dear Mr. Wang, Hello, how have you been away from Xiuning for more than two months and won’t be innocent? Your voice and smile will always come to my mind and you won’t go. Now I feel very good, a thousand words to condense into a word: Thanks to the teacher! Now I learned to start a business, with initial results. Apart from being happy, I would like to write a note, I would like to share my experience, hardships, joy and gains with my mentor in returning to my own business in Guigang. I look back at the story of my going to school and being cheated for many times. I am filled with emotion! I am deeply impressed by the current medical skills. It was not easy! Since the end of the 1990s, I have been to Hunan respectively.
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