西欧桥史见证地发祥址 在荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹(Amster-dam)市内,堪称汉唐食府的“海上皇宫”,如今更是名副其实,显得格外荣耀。 “海上皇宫”近十几年间,不仅是历届荷兰中厨协会年会胜地,召开过该会庆典10周年纪念会,还召开过“九七”、“九八”荷兰中国周筹备会,第九任中国驻荷兰大使华黎明就职欢迎会,旅荷华侨总会第十一届常务理事会就职典礼大会……
Witnessing the birthplace of the Western European Bridge History site in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands (Amster-dam), called the Han and Tang dynasty restaurant “Sea Palace” is now even more veritable, it is particularly glorious. During the past ten years or so, “Sea Palace” has not only held the annual meeting of Dutch Association of Chinese Chefs, but also held the 10th anniversary commemoration of the celebration and also held the preparations for “China Week of 1997” and “1998”. The ninth Appointed as the Ambassador of Netherlands to China, Ambassador Hua Lim Inaugural Welcome Meeting, Inaugural Overseas Chinese General Chapter 11 Inaugural Council Inaugural Ceremony ...