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对于欠发达地区来说,不佳的经济绩效会削弱它与上级的“谈判”能力,进而倾向于选择“遵从”模式。江西省30年来的省以下财政体制变迁就是个例子。在这一“自上而下”的政策制定过程中,上级政府在各级财政关系决定中处于绝对强势地位。省以下财政体制安排基本由省级政府决定。江西省政府在决定市、县、乡财政关系时,有两个鲜明的决策特点:一是基本照搬中央政府有关中央与地方的财政体制安排的规定,二是基本遵循中央政府对省以下财政安排的建议。在这一强制性的制度变迁过程中,地方政府几乎没有制度创新,更多的是体现出一种循规蹈矩的政策遵从意识。 For underdeveloped regions, poor economic performance will weaken its ability to “negotiate” with its superiors, which in turn tends to choose a “compliant” model. The following 30 years of provincial financial system in Jiangxi Province is an example. In this “top-down” policy-making process, the superior government is absolutely in a position to decide on the fiscal relations at all levels. Provincial financial arrangements below the basic decision by the provincial government. When determining the fiscal relations between cities, counties and townships, the Jiangxi Provincial Government has two distinctive policy-making features. First, it basically duplicates the provisions of the Central Government on the arrangement of the financial system between the Central Government and local governments. Second, it basically follows the central government’s fiscal arrangements for the following provinces Suggestions. In this compulsory process of institutional change, local government has almost no institutional innovation, more is to reflect a sense of compliance with policy compliance.
“网店商品交易的本质与实体店并无不同,应该享有与实体店同等待遇的纳税权利,但是对于网店征税不能一刀切,可以分阶段分步骤实施。”    “北京、杭州的网店那么多,规模也比武汉那家大,都没有征税。”半年前从一家外贸公司辞职、现在以经营淘宝网店为业的北京市民张旭抱怨道,武汉这个“模范带头”作用起得太早了吧?  网店的免税真空被突然刺破。今年6月底,武汉市国税局向淘宝女装网店“我的百分之一”开出了430余
荣誉称号:1、连续8年评为上海市文明单位。2、全国先进牙防工作先进区。3、全国规范职工之家。4、全国卫生系统先进集体。服务理念: 医院奉行“现代齿科”的办院宗旨:遵循“
To explore the effect of human ear outline structurefor electromagnetic waves, two human ear’s models, a bigone (model 1) and a small one (model 2), were made
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