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在领导班子工作中常常存在这样一种现象:有些副职对正职作出的决议或工作安排不论正确与否,不假思索,一律照办。或者明知正职有的决策不切合实际却不提意见,听之任之,甚至对正职的错误乃至违法行为,也一味迁 There is often such a phenomenon in the work of the leading bodies that some deputy positions do the same for the resolution of the principal or the working arrangements, irrespective of whether they are correct or not. Or knowing that some of the decisions of the principal are not realistic but do not make any suggestions or hear any misappropriation of their positions, and even mistakes and even violations of the principal’s position are also blindly moved
小A,男,11岁,六年级,住宿生,爸爸妈妈和他关系比较亲密,家庭和睦。班主任反映小A的性格比较温和,乖巧懂事,从不调皮捣蛋,成绩也不错,同学关系也比較好,爸爸妈妈很配合学校老师。  上周的一天晚上熄灯之后,我在宿舍说话恰巧被生活老师看到,生活老师把我叫出来教育,我辩解了几句,结果生活老师越批评越生气,后来随手抓着衣架叫我转过身,把我的后背打出很多红紫色的印子,我一直忍着,没有反抗。这个事情之后,生