旧人难忘,旧情难忘。多愁善感的我总爱做些别出心裁的事,别人喜欢写日记,我却喜欢记人名。在一本装帧精美的笔记本上,我记下了自孩童时起所记得的而且值得记住的曾经认识的所有的人,我美其名曰“旧人笔记”。 翻开“旧人笔记”,扉页上,一首小诗跃科眼帘:“梦的旋风化作洁白的雨滴/婷婷玉立在情感的枝头/静夜的薄纱里/昔日的笑靥/恍若轻盈的飞天/醉情的舞蹈/悄悄地走了/不曾说声再见/时光浸透若隐若现的旋律/往事从季节的深处姗姗而来/掩饰不住伤心的是印在窗棂上的影子/在冥冥的灯光中/以仅有的一生恪守/孤独。”人生无奈,岁月有情。瞬间的聚聚散散,偶然的合合离离,每个人踏着匆促的步履向着各自的下一站辛勤忙碌。春秋嬗递,记忆却永不消褪。许多旧情值得
Old memorable, unforgettable old love. I always love to do some sentimental things sentimental, others like to write diaries, but I like to remember people. On a well-framed notebook, I wrote down all the people I knew who I remember from childhood and deserved to memorize. I called it the “old notes.” Open the “old man notes”, the title page, a poem Yueke eyes: “The whirlwind of dreams into a white raindrops / Tingtingyuli stand in the emotional branch / quiet night of tulle / old smile / If the light of the sky / drunk dance / quietly walked / never say goodbye / time soak through the looming melody / past From the depths of the season / can not conceal the sad is printed on the window of the shadow / In the glittering lights / with only one life abide by / lonely. ”Life helpless, time love. Instant convergence of scattered, accidental combination of separation, everyone marching hurried pace toward their next stop hard. Passing the Spring and Autumn, memory never fade. Many old love worth it