在印度与巴基斯坦接壤的查谟和克什米尔地区的军事分界线上,印度边防部队正沿着一条狭长的荆棘丛生杂草没人的地带,建立一个蛇形的带刺的铁丝网栅栏。它沿着弯弯曲曲山路绵延伸展。眺望边境的哨所,那里竖着高达7.6米的探照灯,宛如长着明亮眼睛的长颈鹿那样。整个晚上,灼热的白炽灯光照射着周围村庄的茅草屋棚,监视着附近的动静。 这个耗资昂贵、雄心勃勃的工程并非旨在抑制非法移民或者是阻止边境非法走私金器、酒类和干果。
On the military demarcation line between Jammu and Kashmir, the border between India and Pakistan, the Indian border forces are building a serpentine barbed wire fence along a narrow strip of weedless weeds. It stretches along the winding mountain road. Look out to the border post, where a searchlight up to 7.6 meters tall resembles a giraffe with bright eyes. Throughout the night, hot, incandescent light shone through the cottages in the surrounding villages and watched nearby. This costly and ambitious project is not designed to curb illegal immigration or to prevent illegal smuggling of gold, alcohol and dried fruits at the border.