The Central Academy of Drama is the first theater college founded after the founding of People’s Republic of China, and has excellent educational traditions and academic pursuits. The spirit of Yan’an Luyi School, the experience of running Nanjing National Drama Academy and the practice of running the school by the three universities in Nanjing University lay the foundation for the establishment of the Central Academy of Drama. November 1949 Central Academy of Drama to create. At the beginning of the founding of the academy, Dean Ouyang Yuqian put forward the principles and methods of upholding the art of realism, deeply studying and inheriting the aesthetics spirit of our national art and the thought of running a school that extensively absorbed all valuable achievements in world drama art. For a long time, the college has always adhered to and advocated the integration of teaching practice and scientific research practice in education and teaching. Advocating the combination of tradition and modernity, combining basic education with innovative education,