目的探讨子宫动脉栓塞术对难治性妇产科大出血的临床治疗效果。方法回顾性总结本院26例妇产科大出血患者应用子宫动脉栓塞法进行治疗的效果。结果 26例难治性妇产科大出血患者,经子宫动脉栓塞术后出血立即停止,3~12 d左右阴道的血性分泌物完全消失。痊愈率为96.1%。术后患者仅有轻度发热、腹胀、疼痛,未出现其他严重并发症。结论子宫动脉栓塞治疗妇产科大出血,止血迅速、并发症少,通过造影还可准确了解盆腔内的血部位和出血情况,进行栓塞,成功率高,值得基层医院推广和应用。
Objective To investigate the clinical effect of uterine artery embolization on refractory obstetrics and gynecology major bleeding. Methods The retrospective summary of 26 cases of gynecological bleeding in patients with uterine artery embolization for treatment. Results 26 patients with refractory obstetrics and gynecology bleeding immediately after the uterine artery embolization bleeding, vaginal bloody secretions disappear completely about 3 ~ 12 d. The cure rate was 96.1%. Postoperative patients only mild fever, bloating, pain, no other serious complications. Conclusions Uterine arterial embolization can treat hemorrhage in gynecology and obstetrics quickly, with quick hemostasis and less complications. It can also accurately understand the blood position and hemorrhage in the pelvic cavity through embolization. The high success rate of uterine arterial embolization is worth popularizing and applying in primary hospitals.