阅读刊物 ,就像学生听课一样 ,不是一个被动接受的过程 ,而是一个主动建构的过程 ,当教师 (读者 )阅读一个数学问题的处理时 ,这个主动建构的过程少不了对解题过程的分析与优化 ,更需要进行解题过程的评价与反思 .下面是笔者阅读刊物的两个学习经历 .一、对解题过程的分析与优
Reading a publication is like a student’s attending a lesson. It is not a passively accepted process but an actively constructed process. When a teacher (reader) reads a mathematical problem, the active construction process cannot be analyzed and analyzed. Optimization, more need to carry out evaluation and reflection of the problem-solving process. The following are two learning experiences of the author reading the publication. First, the analysis and optimization of the problem-solving process.