Research on Testing System for Three-dimensional Distribution of Luminous Intensity of LED

来源 :Semiconductor Photonics and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:freeboy033
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In terms of asymmetrical three-dimensional distribution(ID) of luminous intensity(LI) of light-emitting-diode(LED),a testing system was conducted in this study. Design and principle of the testing system were introduced. 31 photometers were placed on a concentric circle,and all of them were used to gather LI data of LED at the same time. The data acquisition card(DAC) was used to gather multichannel data and controlled motor. Experimental results indicated that the testing system had achieved the goal of testing three-dimensional distribution of LI. And each parameter could meet the requirements of industrial production and measurement. Design and principle of the testing system were introduced. 31 terms of asymmetrical three-dimensional distribution (ID) of luminous intensity (LI) of light-emitting diode (LED), a testing system was conducted in this study. on a concentric circle, and all of them were used to gather LI data of LED at the same time. The data acquisition card (DAC) was used to gather multichannel data and controlled motor. Experimental results indicated that the testing system had achieved the goal of testing three-dimensional distribution of LI. And each parameter could meet the requirements of industrial production and measurement.
2012年以来,浙江省乐清市基层站所通过开展民主评议活动,促进基层站所提高服务质量,有力推动了全市政风行风建设,为打造风清气正、廉洁高效的政务环境提供了坚强保障。  一、强化领导,确保评议的协调性。市委市政府研究部署并成立民主评议基层站所活动领导小组,由市委副书记任组长,市纪委书记等领导任副组长,市委办、市府办等部门分管领导为成员,办公室设在市纪委(监察局)。  二、统筹考虑,确保评议的系统性。一
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