18 94年薛福成与英国谈判、签署的中英《续议滇缅界务商务条款》是其作为驻英公使期间所办的一件要事 ,然而长期以来人们对条约中界务条款的评价褒贬不一。近年来 ,史学界对此条约的评价虽渐趋公允与中肯 ,但在某些问题上仍有进一步深入研究的必要。本文在前人研究的基础上 ,从中缅边界谈判的背景入手 ,主要围绕薛福成的观点进行分析、评论 ,以期对该条约及薛福成本人做出更加全面、公正的评价与理解。
The Sino-British agreement on terms of renewal of the Burma-Myanmar business negotiations, negotiated and signed by Britain with the United Kingdom in 1994, was an important event to be conducted during the mission of the British Ambassador to Britain. However, people’s long-standing evaluation of the articles of the treaty in the treaty mixed reviews. In recent years, historians have been fairly and fairly appraised of this treaty, but on some issues there is still a need for further research. Based on the previous studies and from the background of the Sino-Burmese border negotiations, this article mainly analyzes and comments on Xue Fucheng’s views, with a view to making a more comprehensive and fair evaluation and understanding of the treaty and Xue Fucheng himself.