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10月25日下午,国家茶叶产业技术体系茶树新品种推介现场会在浙江省嵊州市举行。嵊州市副市长周晓东致辞,浙江省农业厅经作局局长毛祖法讲话,中国农业科学院茶叶研究所杨亚军所长介绍了国家茶产业体系和国家茶树良种鉴定委员会2010年会议情况。在会上,15个优质绿茶新品种得到推介。中国农业科学院茶叶研究所和浙江大 On the afternoon of October 25, the national tea industry technology system tea tree variety promotion scene will be held in Shengzhou, Zhejiang Province. Zhou Xiaodong, vice mayor of Shengzhou delivered a speech. Zhejiang Provincial Department of Agriculture made a speech as director of Bureau Chief Mao Zufa. Yang Yajun, director of the Tea Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, briefed him on the state tea industry system and the 2010 meeting of the National Tea Tree Identification Committee. At the meeting, 15 new varieties of green tea were recommended. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Tea Research Institute and Zhejiang University
斑叶兰(Goodyera schlechtendaliana Rchb.f.)为兰科斑叶兰属多年生草本植物,以全草入药,性平,味甘、辛,具有润肺止咳,补肾益气,行气活血,消肿解毒的功效。用于肺痨咳嗽,气管炎,头晕乏力,神经衰弱;外用治疗乳痈,疖疮,毒蛇咬伤,瘰疬,民间多有应用,但中国药典还未收载。关于其化学成分、药理作用、制剂、质量控制等方面有关的研究也鲜有报道,本文开展斑叶兰化学成分的分析及其应
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