四、进一步加强以市场为导向的企业管理的几点意见和建议 调查表明,国有大中型工业企业要实现三年走出困境的目标,必须贯彻落实党的十五大精神。真正实现两个根本性转变,自主走向市场,把强化市场导向的企业管理作为一个永恒的主题,始终不渝地把功夫下在管理上,如何进一步加强以市场为导向的企业管理,针对当前企业管理现状,提出如下几点意见和建议。
IV. Further Suggestions and Suggestions on Further Strengthening Market-Oriented Business Management Surveys show that to achieve the goal of going out of the dilemma in three years, the state-owned large and medium-sized industrial enterprises must implement the spirit of the 15th Party Congress. Realize two fundamental changes, go to the market autonomously, take the market-oriented enterprise management as an eternal theme, unswervingly devote time and effort to management, how to further strengthen the market-oriented business management, Management status quo, made the following comments and suggestions.