
来源 :中国广播电视学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:speedwen
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全国加强思想政治教育的形势和坚持正面宣传为主的原则,具体反映到1989年的广播专稿中,就是出现了一大批报道先进人物的稿件,其中仅以奉献为题的,就有《真诚的奉献》《默默的奉献》、《爱的奉献》、《教授奉献岂止在课堂》等等。而新疆台采制的《奉献的困惑》,则由于角度独到并写出了新的深度,荣获1989年全国优秀广播节目评选一等奖。记者去采访劳动模范,原想向听众介绍他们崇高的精神境 The strengthening of the ideological and political education throughout the country and the principle of upholding the principle of positive publicity, specifically reflected in the 1989 radio Zhuangao, is the emergence of a large number of manuscripts covering advanced individuals. Only the dedication, there are “sincere Dedication ”“ silent dedication ”,“ dedication of love ”,“ professor dedication more than just in the classroom ”and so on. Xinjiang’s Taiwan Conservatory’s “devotion confusion” was awarded the first prize of the 1989 National Excellent Radio Award for its unique perspective and new depth. Reporter to interview model workers, the original want to introduce their audience to the sublime spirit
作者原稿: 管庄街道办事处举办交通安全知识竞赛 (实习生王立群)朝阳区管庄街道办事处通过竞赛形式宣传交通条例,最近举办了《道路交通管理条例》知识竞赛。管庄街道办事处
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