1986年6~8月对塔什库尔干县东部(N37°15′~37°50′,E75°20′~76°10′)的红旱獭分布区进行了调查,调查面积为5676km~2。在区内捕获啮齿动物5种,其中红旱獭(Marmota caudata)为区内优势种,分布较广,连续性较强,平均密度0.17匹/公顷。搜集跳蚤11种,其中Brevictenidia mikulini为新疆新记录种。Oropsylla silantiewi为采集到的唯一旱獭寄生蚤,体獭指数为0.24。用常规细菌学方法检验红旱獭1608只,未分离到鼠疫杆菌。用被动血凝试验和放免沉淀试验检测旱獭血清956份,牧犬血清89份,未发现鼠疫FI抗体。根据此次调查结果及既往资料综合分析,推测调查区存在鼠疫的可能性很小。
From June to August 1986, the distribution of red marmota in the eastern part of Taxkorgan County (N37 ° 15 ’~ 37 ° 50’, E75 ° 20 ’~ 76 ° 10’) was investigated with a survey area of 5676 km ~ 2. Five species of rodents were captured in the area. Among them, Marmota caudata was the dominant species in the region, with a wide distribution and strong continuity with an average density of 0.17 ha / ha. 11 species of fleas were collected, of which Brevictenidia mikulini was a new recorded species in Xinjiang. Oropsylla silantiewi was the only moth parasitic flea collected, with a otter index of 0.24. 1608 malachite bears were tested by conventional bacteriological methods, and no Yersinia pestis was isolated. Using passive hemagglutination test and radioimmunoassay test, 956 members of marmot serum and 89 dogs of serum were screened, and no plague FI antibody was detected. According to the results of this survey and the comprehensive analysis of past data, it is speculated that the possibility of plague in the survey area is very small.