Pregnancy and normal liver Pregnancy due to the needs of fetal growth and development, the maternal organs of a series of adaptive physiological changes occurred, the liver is no exception, the liver function generally no change. Observations by light and electron microscopy showed an increase in glycogen content and accumulation of fat only in hepatocytes. Most of the liver can not be touched, nor tender, but the relative decrease in hepatic blood flow. In normal pregnancy, there are: (1) mild cholestasis and mild increase in serum bile acid; (2) dysfunction of liver excretion; (3) gallbladder was dilated dilated, bile viscous, delayed the emptying time ; (4) changes in some biochemical indicators of late pregnancy, such as: serum protein concentration decreased to 6g / dl less gamma globulin also slightly lower; serum cholesterol can be increased to 300mg / dl, elevated serum bilirubin to 1mg / dl; serum alkaline phosphatase increased more than 1 times; serum alanine aminotransferase (SGPT) and aspartate aminotransferase (SGOT) normal, but close to childbirth can be increased to