近几年来 ,我军以邓小平新时期军队建设思想、江泽民“三个代表”思想和“五句话”的总要求为指针 ,在干部政策制度的调整改革方面进行了积极而富有成效的探索 ,取得了多方面的重大突破。军委《中国人民解放军团级以上领导干部职务任免暂行条例》及总政贯彻落实意见的颁发 ,增
In recent years, with the general requirements of Deng Xiaoping’s thinking on army building in the new era, Jiang Zemin’s “three represents,” and the “five sentences,” our army has conducted active and fruitful explorations in the readjustment and reform of the cadre and policy system, Made a major breakthrough in many aspects. The “Provisional Regulations on the Appointment and Dismissal of Leading Cadres above the Army Level above the Chinese People’s Liberation Army” and the issuance of opinions by the General Political Department