随着我国生产力水平的提高、人们余暇时间的增多和体育消费意识的增强 ,各种体育俱乐部象雨后春笋般的发展起来。但起步晚、基础差、经验少仍制约着俱乐部的经营和发展。为此我们在搜集世界发达国家大量的大众体育发展资料的基础上 ,对体育俱乐部的类型及其在我国的发展现状进行了一定的研究 ,旨在为我国体育俱乐部的发展提供先进的经验 ,使其健康的发展 ,为我国社会主义建设服务。
With the improvement of the level of productivity in our country, the increase of people’s spare time and the awareness of sports consumption, all kinds of sports clubs have mushroomed. However, late start, poor foundation and less experience still restrict the operation and development of the club. Therefore, on the basis of collecting a large amount of information on the development of mass sports in developed countries in the world, we have studied the types of sports clubs and their development status in our country so as to provide advanced experience for the development of sports clubs in China. Its healthy development serves the socialist construction in our country.