
来源 :环境遥感 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cash625
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遥感以对地观测为主体,属于空间技术应用领域的重要组成部分。20年来,我国遥感应用经历了引进消化的初级阶段,基本上形成了具有中国特色的、规模比较完整的技术体系。在国土资源、海洋环境调查、煤田与油气田勘探、黄金与多金属找矿、作物、草场长势监测与估产、冰雪水源与洪水灾情预报、大坝与电站选址论证、城市环境监测与规划管理等许多方面,取得了显著的成绩和社会经济效益。可以说,遥感应用已经由适应性实验阶段进入业务阶段。在经济建设部门建立了200多个专业性应用单位。拥有学位及高级 Remote sensing is mainly based on earth observation and belongs to an important part of space technology application. Over the past 20 years, remote sensing applications in China have experienced the initial stage of introduction and digestion, basically forming a relatively complete scale technical system with Chinese characteristics. Prospecting of land and resources, marine environment, exploration of coalfields and oil and gas fields, gold and polymetallic prospecting, crop and pasture monitoring and yield estimation, prediction of ice and snow floods and floods, site selection of dams and power stations, urban environmental monitoring and planning management, etc. In many aspects, remarkable achievements and socio-economic benefits have been achieved. It can be said that remote sensing applications have entered the operational phase from the adaptive experimental stage. In the economic construction department has established more than 200 professional application units. Have a degree and advanced
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