在284K~455K温度范围内,对未掺杂半绝缘LECGAAS样品进行了霍尔一范德堡测量.根据实验数据计算了费米能级和深施主缺陷EL2电离率的温度关系.发现计算结果与标准LECSIGAAS样品有明显差别.这种差别可能是由于样品中存在杂质和缺陷不均匀分布引起的长程势波动.“,”Hall-van der Pauw measurements have been carried oUt for undoped LECSIGaAs samples over the 284K~455K range. The temperature dependence of the Fermi level and the EL2 ionized fraction for these samples have been calculated from the measured data. The experimental results show a considerable deplore from the situation eXPected for standard undopedLECSIGaAs CryStals. It is likely that this departure originates from the long-range potelltial fluctuations due to the inhomogeneous distriblltions of defects and impurities.