Theory Study and Application of the BP-ANN Method for Power Grid Short-Term Load Forecasting

来源 :ZTE Communications | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lizq06
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Aiming at the low accuracy problem of power system short-term load forecasting by traditional methods,a back-propagation artificial neural network(BP-ANN) based method for short-term load forecasting is presented in this paper.The forecast points are related to prophase adjacent data as well as the periodical long-term historical load data.Then the short-term load forecasting model of Shanxi Power Grid(China) based on BP-ANN method and correlation analysis is established.The simulation model matches well with practical power system load,indicating the BP-ANN method is simple and with higher precision and practicality. Aiming at the low accuracy problem of power system short-term load forecasting by traditional methods, a back-propagation artificial neural network (BP-ANN) based method for short-term load forecasting is presented in this paper. The forecast points are related to prophase adjacent data as well as the periodical long-term historical load data. Tread the short-term load forecasting model of Shanxi Power Grid (China) based on BP-ANN method and correlation analysis is established. The simulation model matches well with practical power system load, indicating the BP-ANN method is simple and with higher precision and practicality.
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