患者,男,12岁,因发热、贫血、血小板极度增多,拟诊“特发性血小板增多症”于1982年11月12日入院。患者于1975年起始出现不规则发热,10个月后发现脾大至肋下8cm伴轻度贫血、WBC偏低、血小板正常低值而切脾。脾病理报告示充血性脾肿大。 入院体检:T 38℃,P 120/min,R 22/min,BP 11.7/8.2kPa(88/62mmHg)。体形瘦小,营养差,贫血貌,皮肤粘膜无出血征。颌下、颈、锁骨上、腋下、腹股沟处可及黄豆至鸽蛋大淋巴结,光
Patients, male, 12 years old, due to fever, anemia, extreme increase in platelets, the proposed diagnosis of “idiopathic thrombocythemia” was admitted on November 12, 1982. The patient developed irregular fever beginning in 1975, 10 months after the splenomegaly found to 8cm with mild anemia, low WBC, normal low platelet and spleen. Spleen pathology report showed congestive splenomegaly. Admission examination: T 38 ° C, P 120 / min, R 22 / min, BP 11.7 / 8.2kPa (88 / 62mmHg). Small shape, poor nutrition, anemia appearance, skin and mucous membrane without bleeding sign. Submandibular, neck, supraclavicular, armpit, groin and bean to pigeon egg large lymph nodes, light