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我国司法保护环境力度不足,当前环保的民事诉讼难以得到支持,这样变相纵容了企业违法。由于环保案件技术性非常强,证据保存、保护非常复杂,对于普通老百姓来讲很困难。从目前的状况看,环保领域的矛盾纠纷主要存在以下特点:首先纠纷的总量大、增量大。根据环保部统计的数据,近几年全国年均环境信访量是74万余件,自2002年以来年均增长30%。我们有一个统计数据,从1996年开始, In our country, the judicial protection of the environment is not strong enough and the current environmental protection civil litigation can hardly be supported. In this way, enterprises connive at the illegal. Due to the technical nature of environmental protection cases is very strong, the preservation of evidence, protection is very complicated, for ordinary people is very difficult. Judging from the current situation, the contradictions and disputes in the field of environmental protection mainly include the following features: First, the total amount of disputes is large and the increment is large. According to statistics from the Ministry of Environmental Protection, in recent years, the average number of environmental petitions in the country has reached 740,000 pieces, an average annual increase of 30% since 2002. We have a statistical data, starting from 1996,
1983年,当第一辆桑塔纳在上海安亭的上海大众汽车工厂下线时,德国《明镜》周刊的记者不无忧虑地断言:这是一个失败的实验,宛如在一个荒败无援的孤岛上生产轿车。  历经30年,大众当初做实验的“孤岛”已成长为全球最大的汽车消费市场,而中国市场也成为大众争夺全球老大位置的重要支撑。大众集团2013年财报显示,该集团全球税前营业利润达到117亿欧元(不含中国合资企业权责利润),在华两家合资公司实际贡献的权