不知是《鬼泣4:特别版》的上市,还是阴历鬼节将至,《讨鬼传:极》也在近期赶场发布。不过需要注意的是,《讨鬼传:极》可并非善类。仅从硬件需求来说,比起《鬼泣4:特别版》可要邪恶很多,甚至就连R9 270X这样的千元级显卡,也只能算是勉强流畅运行。处理器选购:官方配置竟要i7《讨鬼传:极》的舞台是在前作的三年后,相对前作,本作会增加更多新装备,其中还有新武器“薙刀”。而道具也会追加飞行道具类别,让玩家实现远距离攻击。除了能体验到前作的内容外,剧情量、“鬼”的
I do not know is “Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition” market, or the lunar calendar is approaching, “Ghost Story: Pole” also released in the near future. However, it should be noted that, “Ghost Story: pole” may not be a good class. Only from the hardware requirements, compared to “Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition” may be a lot of evil, and even the R9 270X this thousand yuan graphics card, it can only be regarded as barely smooth operation. Processor purchase: the official configuration should actually i7 “Ghost Story: pole” stage is the first three years after the relative predecessor, this will add more new equipment, of which there are new weapons “trowel ”. The props will be additional flight props category, allowing players to achieve long-range attacks. In addition to experiential content, the plot, “ghost ”