Objective: To investigate the obstetric causes of neonatal asphyxia. Methods: Retrospective analysis of obstetric reasons of 305 neonates with asphyxia in our hospital. Results: According to the obstetric analysis of neonatal asphyxia, the main causes of neonatal asphyxia are prematurity, pregnancy complications, umbilical cord factors, twins, oligohydramnios, abnormal fetal position and birth process, premature rupture of water and fetal growth restriction , Fetal malformations and so on. Among 305 asphyxiated newborns, 70 (23.0%) had premature birth, 22.3% had pregnancy complications, 15.4% had umbilical cord problems, 10.2% had twins, 9.8% had oligohydramnios, 8.5% had abnormal fetal position and labor, and 6.2% , FGK3.3%, fetal malformation 1.3%, of which the main factors causing severe asphyxia are prematurity, pregnancy complications, umbilical cord factors, oligohydramnios and so on. Conclusion: To improve the quality of prenatal care, prevention and treatment of complications, choose a reasonable mode of delivery, reduce neonatal asphyxia.