国家一级美术师曹明华,擅长花鸟,尤精画梅。其作品清逸高雅,含情透趣,无论点染勾勒还是朱墨泼洒,乃至渴笔横扫,都各臻其妙,极具功力。中国画研究院院长刘勃舒誉之为“老干横如铁截鞘,战霜斗雪耐推敲”。 正应验了“梅花香自苦寒来”的古训,1945年生于浙江平湖的曹明华,自幼痴心画梅,心默手摹,三十多年笔耕不辍。他既受教于董寿平、蔡鹤汀等名家,又
National level artist Cao Minghua, good at birds and flowers, especially fine Mei. His works are elegant and elegant in style, with rich and unique taste, no matter whether the dots are dyed or the ink is splashed with ink and even the thirsty brush swept through. Liu Bo Shu, director of the Chinese Painting Research Institute, praised it as “Laoshan cross-sheathing as iron, war frost bucket resistance scrutiny.” Is fulfilled “ancient plum incense from bitter cold”, was born in 1945 in Pinghu, Zhejiang Cao Minghua, since childhood infatuated Plum, silent copy, more than thirty years of pen and writing stop. He is taught by famous artists such as Dong Shou-ping and Cai Hok-ting