依森艾伦的黑色彩釉橱子,tiffany 古朴的饰灯,铜镱的柜门,厚重的色彩,富有延续性的线条变化……偌大的空间里充盈着新古典主义的感觉。然而设计师沈敏良却明确地告诉我们,他做的设计不是单纯基于新古典主义的考量,而是力求抓住东西方文化融合的契合点,即实现“中性的西化”。空间的概念在设计师看来就是一个可以把玩的轮廓,一个好的设计自然建立在一个好的轮廓之上,这套住宅就是沈敏良觉得先天不错的空间。
Ison Allen’s black glaze cabinet, tiffany’s quaint decorative lights, bronze doors, heavy colors, and continuous line changes... The vast space is full of neo-classical feelings. However, designer Shen Minliang explicitly told us that his design is not based solely on neo-classical considerations, but rather seeks to seize the point of convergence between the Eastern and Western cultures, that is, to achieve “neutral westernization.” The concept of space appears to the designer as an outline that can be played. A good design naturally builds on a good outline. This house is the space where Shen Minliang feels innate.