1、选用抗病品种:如双抗2号、强丰等。 2、增施有机肥:尤其磷钾肥,如鸡羊粪、各种饼肥及农家腐熟厩肥,少用化学肥料,尤其要慎用追肥。 3、种子处理:目前国内外常用的种子钝化剂为磷酸钠(N_(a3)PO_4),用其10%水溶液将种子浸饱20—30分钟,用自来水冲洗2—3小时即可摧芽播种。 4、加强田间管理:切忌大水漫灌,宜于小水漫流,以湿地皮,保持地表不裂缝,不伤根为原则。 5、防治蚜虫:蚜虫是多种病毒的传毒媒介,尤其苗期(3—6叶),
1, the selection of disease-resistant varieties: such as double anti-2, strong abundance. 2, increase organic fertilizer: In particular, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, such as chickens and sheep manure, all kinds of cake and farm manure cooked manure, less chemical fertilizers, in particular, should be used with caution. 3, seed treatment: At home and abroad commonly used seed passivation agent is sodium phosphate (N_ (a3) PO_4), with its 10% solution of the seeds soaked 20-30 minutes, rinsed with tap water 2-3 hours to destroy the bud sowing. 4, to strengthen field management: avoid flood irrigation, should be diffused in small water to wet land, to keep the surface does not crack, do not hurt the root principle. 5, control aphids: aphids are a variety of viral vectors, especially at the seedling stage (3-6 leaves)