鸽子在人们的心目中,是自由、和平的象征,深受人们喜爱,而养鸽历史也由来已久。近年来,饲养鸽子的风气越来越盛,在所养鸽子中有观赏鸽、肉用鸽、信鸽等。作者在饲养过程中,观察了信鸽的种种行为。现将饲养和观察情况介绍于下。一、繁殖过程中的行为 1.配对当鸽子生长到一定时期,首先让它们生活在一起,当它们选定了合适的雌雄后
In the eyes of people, pigeons are a symbol of freedom and peace. They are loved by people. The history of breeding pigeons has also been long-standing. In recent years, the breeding of pigeons has become more and more popular. Among the pigeons that have been raised there are ornamental pigeons, meat pigeons, and pigeons. During the breeding process, the author observed various behaviors of the pigeons. Feeding and observation are now introduced. First, the behavior of the breeding process 1. Pairing When the pigeons grow to a certain period, let them live together first, when they have selected the right male and female