为控制地表沉陷量,实现农田保护和建筑物下采煤,兖州矿区多次进行了综采放顶煤 开采条件下覆岩离层注浆减沉试验.在试验过程中对离层动态发育规律进行了重点研究,其结 论适合于在类似条件下的离层注浆减沉技术的应用场合.
In order to control the amount of subsidence in the ground and achieve farmland protection and coal mining under buildings, Yanzhou Mining Area has carried out multiple experiments of subsoil grouting and sedimentation under overburden caving mining conditions. During the experiment, the dynamic development law of delamination was studied emphatically. The conclusion is suitable for the application of delamination grouting in similar conditions.